Porky and Penny

Porky was feeling it.

PORKY: "Penny, come here. I've got some new ones for you."

PENNY: "Please don't."

PORKY: "C'mon, these are good. Listen up."

PORKY: "What happened when the pig pen broke?"

PENNY: "I don't know."

PORKY: "The pig had to use a pencil!! HA-HA-HA!!"

PORKY: "What do you call it when you cross a dinosaur with a pig?"

PENNY: "Please stop."

PORKY: "Jurassic Pork. HA-HA-HA!!!"

PORKY: "One more Penny. I saved the best for last!. What do you get when you play tug-of-war with a pig?"


PORKY: "Pulled pork! You get it Penny...pulled pork!!"

The piglets were fun to watch. They are only 9 days old, and I think there were 10 of them. I had to knock several small children out of my way to get my shots, but it was worth it.

https://www.flickr.com/photos/124969130@N06/sets/72157653608233903 Go to my Flickr page to see a few more photos. A deer, some swans, more piglets, and a few other barnyard animals.

I'd like to apologize for the pig jokes...after one more.

Q: What would happen if pigs could fly?"
A. The price of bacon would skyrocket.

I'm so sorry for this swine swill.

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