Poor tree

Quite early on we heard the familiar sound of a huge engine revving and then a reversing warning bleeper - another triumph of logistics, no doubt. This one turned out to be such a huge juggernaut that it was unable to take the corner of the square featured in yesterday's blip; eventually the driver walked away and left it in the street with its lights flashing, perhaps to get assistance from the Leith Polis. It got away eventually, but I think this sort of thing explains the rakish angle of the litter bin in yesterday's blip. When I went to the store later on I discovered how he'd managed to get round the previous right-angled corner....by trashing a tree. Pah. 

I turned one of the huge spherical courgettes into a Stuffed Courgette Surprise. Mr H didn't seem very surprised at all.

In other news....no, the actual news is almost unbearable.

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