Sweetish peas
I'm a bit over sweet peas. You can tell this by the fact that I'm just letting them go to seed and only picking a few stems. Better garden news is that the green beans are finally ready - we had our first ones tonight and they were delicious. I planted them far too late this year, so we will have a paltry harvest, but better than nothing.
A deliciously cool day today - I don't think it got over 30 degrees at all. So, some garden work, tying in and tidying up all the tomatoes that have been neglected of late.
A trip into town with the kids to pick up veg etc in the market (including way too much fruit, tomorrow may have to be jam-making day) and a fairly leisurely afternoon. Tonight TallGirl was persuaded to give Die Hard with a Vengeance a go, and was not happy with the result (though I'm sure I saw her smiling several times).
Tonight I read an article linked to by a friend which made me feel sad all over again. I'm trying really really hard not to send it to my parents.
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