Today started off rainy. Actually, it started off grumpy and on the sofa when the sounds of slumber next to me became overwhelming.
But the day improved dramatically after a short sharp nap and a shower. Off into town to buy a ludicrously expensive diary ordered by one of TallGirl's pals, then lunch at the diner, where even CarbBoy was finally defeated by quantity. Post lunch Mr B returned to snooze at his desk and we hauled our groaning stomachs across town to the fascinating Sir John Soanes Museum (eclectic was a much overused word today). Great collection of stuff, and staff who have the good sense not to correct you when you're making up nonsense about the exhibits to amuse the kids.
A wander then through legal London, including the Temple church which I haven't been in for ages. Then home via the South Bank (where the 'I'm here every day' bookseller was quite predictably not there) and all the phone repairers on the Uxbridge Road. TallGirl yesterday was gifted an only slightly broken phone by her godfather yesterday, which brings her total to a teenager-pleasing three. At least this 'new-to-her' one seems to work reliably!
Dinner and games (I am hiding on the terrace until the possibility of anyone asking me to play Risk has passed...)
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