Odd day. Bad sleep.
Various jobs to do this morning to help Mr B, including probably giving him the bad news that his ancestors' poor filing skills means he may not be Irish after all. Later, the internet network finally gave up all pretence of working, so that had to be battled. For a while now the lights have been flashing amber, but everything was working so I just ignored it. Suddenly nothing was working. And then as soon as I touched it, it was not working in a more catastrophic way. Happily it wasn't the two day hair-tearing out journey it normally is, and the network is now happy again (though one of the lights remains stubbornly amber).
Anyway, one upshot of this was that I was prompted to move one of the wifi boxes so that there is now a signal in the office. A wee bit of cleaning and tidying and now my computer is there. So instead of typing all scrunched up at a little console table, I have a proper desk and the screen is far enough away that I can see it without my specs on.
Mr B tackled the drainage in the kitchen today, or perhaps I should say the lack of drainage. To cut a long and very smelly story short, the obstruction was found and removed, and all is well. The less said about the obstruction the better. And perhaps Mr B choosing to do this work in white linen trousers was not wise...
During all this, Mr B's lurgy decided I would be a good host. However, being full of antibiotics already, I am a decidedly poor host, and I'm hoping that the hour of unpleasantness this afternoon will be the end of it. Enough of being ill!
Now Mr B is taking the kids on a whistlestop tour of a couple of thousand years of Turkish history, and I'm hiding in my new office.
This beetle is, if I recall rightly, bad news and will likely devour my lavender. However given there are only two such beetles and about 15 metres of lavender, I'm not going to get too concerned. Bonny fella anyway.
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