Summer Exhibition 2016

It certainly doesn't seem twelve months since I went down to London for last year's "Summer Exhibition" at the Royal Academy. It was a great day out. There was some amazing art work, and it seemed to be far better laid out and displayed than last year. There were fewer comments from my friend of the "I could do that" variety.

There were the couple of interesting Tracey Emin prints (she'll have made a cool two million from this year's exhibits, judging by the number of red dots to indicate "sold").

It isn't only painting, as you can see from the blip. Sculpture was in evidence too. A strange stone decayed petrol pump, various things with flashing lights, a girl looking lost in one of the galleries.

And these two,  my blip,  "The Areoplane (largest dog)" and "The Areoplane  (smaller dog), in painted wood by artist, Annie Whiles.

For all the splendid culture, though, I was very tempted to blip the extra photo - a captured moment of mother (texting) and child.

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