Marvellous wildflower meadow

They have had wildflower meadows at lots of National Trust Properties in recent years. (My previous favourite is at Hanbury Hall.)

This year the one that has truly made me gasp, is at Calke Abbey.

They have added a new one, on the outside of the walled garden. It has truly flourished and, I'm afraid, my photo does not give any real impression of how magnificent it is.  I have used a broader shot for my blip, and added a detail as an extra.

In other years, they have had wildflower areas on the other side of the Orangery, and these have a more weathered and grassy feel. The new one is apparently from a new supplier ("early summer cutting mix") and it was certainly attracting the butterflies.  So far, no Red Admirals, Peacocks or Painted Ladies, but there was an opulence of large and green veined whites, meadow browns and ringlets.

Enjoy your weekend, my blip friends

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