Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Jus' moochin'

Archie had one of his 'turns' last night. He got out of his bed in the hall and went and stood in a corner, looking up at the ceiling and sniffing frantically. JR brought him in to bed, where he continued his nose-in-the-air sniffing for quite some time, and eventually lay down and slept. He was put back in his own bed when he was settled.

I had a much more comfortable night, having discovered that a small cushion between my knees is not the best - a big whopping pillow is much better. I can lie on either side quite comfortably now, but it's like a full on fight to actually turn over with the pillow in place. I'm like a cast sheep.

In fact, I was so comfortable that I stayed in bed all morning. And I could keep my leg flat out for ages, so I was actually doing my exercises.

Elizabeth came to take Archie out for the day. Boy, he sure goes a long way with her! Then he goes home with her to play and have a little treat - today it was roast beef, last week it was chicken. No wonder he loves her! We are certainly very lucky with our dog borrowers.

JR made the most of Archie's absence to hoover and clean the path etc. Then we finished off 'A London Spy'. What a load of twaddle! It was so annoyingly convoluted and long winded, my mind was completely taken off the dull ache in my leg. The only thing that kept us going was the lovely Ben Wishart, who was in every scene. What a complete waste of time.

We went a walk along the street, a bit further this time - might make it to the end tomorrow.

Archie is home and completely exhausted, he can hardly be bothered to eat his tea.

When he stands around, waiting for something to happen, or somebody to make a move, he will often just lean his head on JR's dangling foot. He will never lean his head on my dangling foot, because I can't/not allowed to cross my legs. Can't do cartwheels either, but I never could...

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