The rest of forever...

By DrMac

Who needs air con at work...

...when you can just hang out the window!

This guy works in the block behind our apartment. He is about five floors up...I thought he was trying to make an escape at first!

Okay, I had a lie in today! Yup, Paul went off with his loony running pals at 6.15am and I stayed on my bed until 6.40am! Get me and my lazy ass!! Did the rollering and stretching and drank tea, hung out the washing and pottered. He came back looking like he'd been swimming in his clothes, not running 9 miles! Normally he is uber sexy but this morning...well, I wouldn't go near him! Stinker!

He headed off to work and I decided to do some myself! I completed the photographs for Parts 2 and 3 of my course and uploaded them onto my blog. Then I wrote the whole of assignment two and emailed it to my tutor.

Paul came home for lunch and afterwards I got cracking on assignment three. I should have it all wrapped up by tomorrow lunchtime! Then I set up the blog sections for Parts 4 and 5 of this module...loads and loads of tasks to do for both parts which should take ages but I'm giving myself next week to get the lots done! Cos I still have my doctorate article to write, school work to do and a complete photography module of 160 hours waiting for me to do!!! Why does this make me happy??!!

I headed off to the gym after 4pm and met Paul, eventually coming home to cook tea and now chill in front of the Olympics. I'm glad Wiggo got drunk last night, I'd love to see his skinny pins wobble about after a few vodkas!! Let's hope the rest of today's competitors follow in his footsteps...just seen that we got a silver in rowing, top stuff!!!

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