The rest of forever...

By DrMac

Making use of the wet stuff...

Apologies for the shoddy picture today. It's been raining since the early hours of the morning...I chose to do my ususal roller routine, breakfast and then work until about 11am whilst the rain fell. Great I stepped out of the house to walk to the gym is stopped raining! Had a good session and then walked to Paul's school to drop off some things he requested. I'm such a good PA!

I walked home in the dry, ate lunch and then spoke to Mum and Dad on Facetime. I did some of my third photography assignment and when I stopped to go out and take photos I realised it was bucketing it down!! So...this is taken from the balcony. I inteded to show you how some Nepali's save the rainwater during monsoon. Some of the more wealthy Nepali's have water tanks and get water delivered when they can afford to buy it. So, when it is falling free from the sky they collect it in buckets to use for washing clothes, drinking and cleaning. The people in our apartment block have loads of these big buckets downstairs and have built guttering to collect the water on the roof and funnel it into the buckets. And it's falling from the sky fast so they shoudl collect loads...shame these two are overflowing, wasted water!

So, this evening we are going out for drinks and food - Paul's big boss is having a house party for all staff. So free food and drink...I intend to make the most of it! Promise to try and take more inspiring photos tomorrow!!

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