Feed us! Feed us!

It's been another lovely day, sunny and warm :)

I had a great night at Liz's, and time to say goodbye to her.  After breakfast, we finally got going and the clan all headed down to see May, had a cuppa and yarn, before setting off to the zoo for the day.  Tonight the clan have been over for steak night, now looking after the lasses, while mam and dad head over to see aunt Carol.

I wasn't sure what to expect at the zoo today, my thoughts have always been large animals in very small cages!  I was pleasantly surprised that the animals here are well looked after, looked great and plenty of room to move.  Loved the tigers, all monkeys, never realised how big orangutans are, and a whole hush of other great animals.  And then there was the meerkat pen.  Funny peerie things, they all flew indoors on arrival and feared attack from the air, but as I dangled my arm over the pen, they all rushed out again and looking for food :)  So, so cute, I'd soon take a few home :)  Taken at Perth Zoo :)  

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