
By AlrightFlower

Aaaaaaand relax!

Hello my fluffy little bunny rabbits! Today I come to you from Salzburg - it's a never ending whirlwind eh. I suspect that, come the end of August, if I never see another bag again it'll be too soon. Of course I don't include handbags there - do you not know me at all??

It's been quite a lovely day really, a respite from the rushing around. A two minute walk to the station (Clare, I saw a real live nun - there was no singing about hills being alive though, disappointingly enough... I also saw a woman with a trout pout to rival Lesley Ash's - it was her wasn't it?). Followed by a relatively short train journey - less than 2 hours - to Salzburg station. There was a rather corpulent (yes, I know, people in glass houses...) boy on the train with his mum - I'm rubbish at guessing children's ages but let's say between 10 and 14 - and in that less-than-2-hours he had a huge sandwich, 2 mars bars, a whole 1 litre bottle of fizzy something or other and bag of sweets, a few of which, admittedly, he did give his mum! I suppose to be fair he probably hasn't had an ice cream a day for the last week lol. He also put his feet on the seat, of which I disapprove most strongly ;-)

Taxi to the hotel - if you think I'm lugging that bag nearly 2 miles in this heat you're sorely mistaken! Yes, I know I could do with the exercise, stop being such a killjoy! And since then I've had a bite to eat - and nearly sliced off the tip of my finger - and lolled about being supremely lazy with the air con on full blast :-)

The hotel is out near the autobahn and town is a 20 minute bus ride away. As such, there's nothing here except McDonald's which is next door and which does a surprisingly good iced latte macchiato - I refuse to buy the food, but the coffee's not bad. And there are tables out in the sun - well it would've been rude not to.

So that's my lovely lazy day. I should be planning what to do - I'm here tomorrow and whatever the day after that is and there are ice caves and a cable car ride - but I soooo can't be bothered. Perhaps over an egg mcmuffin in the morning ;-)

Später! x

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