
By AlrightFlower

glücklich Yorkshire Tag!

Thanks guys and gals for your kind messages - it's such a hard life I've got, eh... Anyway, you made me smile, and today is another day!

I have a theory about all the tall buildings in Innsbruck - and they are nearly all tall! Wherever you look, the mountains (are they the Alps - my geography's rubbish) loom over the town, making everything seem small and insignificant. So the buildings are an attempt by the Austrians to block out the mountains with their own significant edifices. Profound or what?? And quite possibly (probably?) rubbish ;-)

Said edifices are really very beautiful. There's a care and an orderliness (is that a word?) about Austrian architecture which is quite stunning. Some of the buildings are really very ornate on the outside and sometimes it's just painted on, but you don't realise until you're up to it. I've seen it before in Prague and was impressed then too.

And I do love orderliness (if it wasn't a word, it is now - in my vocabulary at least!) generally - all the street have signs, there's a tourist information office in the train station, not on the other side of town, and (so they told me when I arrived, whilst looking at me like I'm an idiot) I don't have to spend money reserving a seat because I've already got a ticket. Excellent. Unless I'm chucked off the train and fined a million euros tomorrow for not having a valid ticket...

So, today's experiences are:
- Didn't get to the Swarowski place, but I did find the shop - I'm never overly impressed with their stuff. There are a few beautiful pieces but it's mostly just gaudy (expensive) bling. I did like their light fitting though :-)
- I found the local strip club, just down the road - I'm not looking for these places, honestly!
- Is Britain the only place where waiter service isn't ubiquitous (have I used that word correctly? I mean used everywhere)
- Are you staring at me because I'm eating alone, or have I grown an extra head? I'm fairly sure that my gorgeousness isn't the reason...

Oh, and after months and months of looking, I've finally found a watch I like. It's 329 euros from Thomas Sabo, so if anyone fancies being my fairy godmother/sugar daddy (hey, I'm not picky!) I'd be most appreciative!

Packing up again tonight - Salzburg tomorrow (i think - well, it's somewhere else in Austria anyway...).

Guten abend x

ps have also discovered that I must cut my thumb nail - has taken me flippin' ages to type this lot!

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