Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Five part harmony

My body beautiful obsessed boys both take magical elixir protein drinks as part of their daily routines, and The Dizzle took delivery this week of a specialist piece of kit that combines pills, shakes and god knows what in a single handy five part beaker. Each to his own. He was sooooo excited as they say ("they" being young people for whom "soooooo" is a word).

Yet another meeting with the developers next door - they are such a bunch of arses - but lets not go there. It did not stress me out! TSM very tired, second day of the new job, lots to absorb.

The therapeutic journey

A good day - no crashes, pretty much just normal tiredness. Did a lot today as well, and had an excellent gym session along the way. Got an amazing email from my very loving brother in law in Australia, some very caring messages from work, and a call from my big bro tonight. Feeling much loved ... 

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