A Gob on the Cob
We have a local farm that is semi-famous (at least around here) for their corn. Simply put...it is good...very good.
Some corn thoughts:
1. My girls worked 'til dusk...taking off the husks.
2. It is aMAIZEing.
3. It's a real summer treat...because it's so sweet.
4. If the corn were in the army...it would be a kernel.
5. It costs many bucks, but shucks...it's worth it. (Especially when my sister buys.)
6. A tip to eat it. Pick out a row...and GO, GO, GO!
7. If you can get some...you'd butter do it.
8. These lines of verse MUST come to a halt...this type of corn is called pepper and salt.
Can't hardly wait to eat it tomorrow.
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