WHR Day 9.

It's always tough to get the group going after the rest day. The fact that many of us were still partying gone 1am probably didn't help....

It's a long traverse and steep 1100m climb to the Forcletta Pass on the best of days - sadly today wasn't the best of days.
We were lucky enough to miss most of the forecast rain - but the low cloud and driving wind meant that we reached high point of the Forcletta Pass (2874) in near freezing conditions - a good example of just how quickly the high mountains can change their mood.
Once we began the descent into remote Grüben it warmed a little. And the cloud lifted long enough to grab today's blip looking up at the Turtmann Glacier.
By Oberstafel we had a little added excitement when we encountered the mountain dogs guarding their herd of sheep - fortunately there was an electric fence between us - so we were able to enjoy the ferocious barking without experiencing their bite!

Notes for self.
LA 5-7/10. RK 3/10. Ib0

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