
with intent!

I had a very lazy start to the day this morning. But, as I was having a shufty at journals on blip I came across BernardYoung's entry. He took it in the People's Museum in Manchester and as I had never been there and it is the last day of my holiday I decided to hop on a bus and go and have a look for myself. 

It is a fascinating place, all light and airy, but stuffed full of information....sadly, in my haste to get out I forgot to put my glasses in my bag and so I struggled to read things. All the more reason to go again!

I loved the Loiters Resistance Movement Loitering with Intent: The Art and Politics of Walking exhibition. The whole concept that a walker is an artist, an explorer, an adventurer....that our pavements are full of stories that have been etched into our environment and are weaving new tales as our feet walk upon them is amazing. The whole exhibition begs you to get involved and to try it for yourself, to interact and to discover. I cursed myself for being a half blind idiot who couldn't read the small print....

There were ideas there that I fancy recreating too, I shall have to return...with my eyes!

There were some wonderful old photographs of workers from the area. The immense machines and industrialised city put into scale by the presence of men and women who stare at you through the daily chore of life in mills, in factories and their lives. It was fascinating. 

I was drawn to this camera as my dad used to have a Roliflex, it drove me mad years ago when he let me try it out because the image you looked at was upside down. Oh, I wish I knew what happened to that camera, I would love to play with it now. 

Anyway, I need to scrub up a bit now as I'm off to the local pub to meet up with some of the girls I used to work with in the place I don't talk about anymore. I shall return here later when I have talked and eaten and quaffed.......

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