To the Moors!

So today was a moor day - we stopped for cows and horses as we made our way to Widecombe-in-the-Moor! We had a delicious lunch and would you believe in the garden there were Pekin bantams! What are the chances of two days running I should see some?! Oh they were so delightful, like little clockwork toys running under the picnic tables and what a fine rooster! Anyway back to lunch - Ella ate the most enormous portion of chilli and rice and asked for more rice! Me and her husband shared a humongous Eton mess in one of those tall glasses - we worked down on our respective sides until we caused a cave in!  
We spent a long time in the church and I discovered things I had not seen on my last visit, including the large wood panels describing a thunderstorm which hit the church and killed several people inside and burnt people. Also some very Russian looking painted panels. I loved the kneeling pads too - last time I think I was more intent looking up at the roof bosses!
After this we drove out and took in the view looking back down to the village, which as Ella said, looked like a toy village. Next stop Hay Tor - where Ella and I wore the hats I keep in the car for the allotment and the yellow scarf I had bought her - my did she look fine! It was incredibly windy and cold but our fetching hats kept us cosy!
Time to head home and just as we got near Tavistock the sun broke through the clouds in these beautiful AngelRays. What a fine end to a very fine day! 
Lots of photos taken but no time to process them all so let the camera do all but my blip and  extras! But they are here!

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