More of The same!

Well actually not the same - as no hoovering, washing or chatting - but an awful lot of sitting and maybe even an afternoon nap!! My FitBit gives a woeful breakdown - 2,271 steps, 1.43 km and 10 active minutes!!!
My blip are my Amorphophallus bulbs - also known as Voodoo Lilies! They only produce an umbrella of 3  leaves, my small bulb is 11 inches tall and my big one 19 nches and the leaves are yet to unfurl! I will maybe blip them when they are both fully open!The spotted stem is rather disturbing to me for some reason! I thought my big bulb was going to flower this year - but sadly not, even though it will smell of rotting flesh apparently! I did say to someone on blip who saw one in a botanical garden, that I would send them some baby bulbs at the end of the season when they die back - they always produce bulbettes! However I have forgotten who I promised this to! If it was you please let me know!!

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