Doughnut Day the 8th!

As many of my Followers know, the 9th of August is a special Day in the Diary of Mr and Mrs W! Its Doughnut Day!!.

The very first Doughnut Day was when Mr W took me to Brighton the day after we got back from a little trip to France. It was nice way to spent the day and the end of a holiday. We had Doughnuts on the beach - of course - then Afternoon tea in the Albion Hotel and an Icecream before we left. 

Since then it has become a bit of a tradition!! Except now we add important events to the day. Like getting Divorced, getting engaged, Moving house, and today....collecting a Brand Spanking new car!!! We even went up the new i360 - the new Doughnut in the Sky!!! 

The day started very early with a 7.30 appointment at BMW in Hailsham. Our Sales man Matt Barnes (he used to be a professional Snooker player don't you know!) was meant to be on an aeroplane in a few hours time but honoured the fact we wanted to collect the car on Doughnut day, so came in especially early - all ready in his Bermuda shirt!!!

The car was the brought to us. We hadn't seen it yet since Mr W had ordered the black alloys and grill. It looks AMAZING! And Mr W doesn't do excited but I saw it today!!!! It was so good to see.

So, in our brand new wheels, we pootled down to Brighton, chose a parking spot close to a wall so no one could bash the car with their doors and headed down to the Beach where the new i360 was. We were able to buy tickets for the next 'Flight' that was only a 20 minute wait. 

It was a great experience but a bit quick. It rose very slowly into the sky then straight back down again. It certainly wasn't the hours trip it said it was in the web. But we did it and we can now add flying a Doughnut on Doughnut day to the list!!

Then the most important part!!!! The doughnuts!!!! Mr W ordered 8 and we sat in the sunshine on the beach stuffing hot doughnuts then snuggling up on the picnic blanket, full, warm and happy.....until I had to go to work!!!!

Luckily I was working with Daughter Number 1 again so Mr W dropped me off at our pick up point, I went to work with her and she dropped me home. 

Lena then popped over for dinner. I was shattered from our early start and busy, exciting day, so good old Mr W popped out to get us all a curry. We had a great evening catching up and hearing all the dramas over Jays daughter still insisting Lena will get nothing from the estate.

Anyway, that's another Doughnut Day under out belt, another car added to the list and another 8 doughnuts consumed. All in all a pretty wonderful day.


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