Doughnut Day the 9th!

In the Rain!

So today was our Annual Pilgrimage down to Brighton to eat Doughnuts on the beach. It was something we did the day after we came back from our first holiday together 9 years ago today! It was just the best day which was why it has became fondly known as doughnut day.

So we now choose this day to do important things like get divorced, get engaged, move house and buy a new car. (Using that methodology, I asked Mr W if he would like to take me to see the listed, too expensive, no chance of planning, out of our league Barn on our way home. His response was a very swift no! - time to leave that one alone!)

Today it was due to rain but that wasnt going to stop us so we parked in the Marina, picked up our Brollies and trotted off to the Pier for a bag of 8 and 2 coffees and sat on the beach where it started to rain. But as typical Brits do, we braved it and ate our doughnuts! We then had a little cuddle on the picnic blanket and the next thing Mr W knew was me tapping him to tell him the rain was a bit heavy - he had actually fallen asleep!!! Bless him. 

Then after a quick chip and pickled onion lunch on the pier, we headed home.

Another lovely Doughnut Day accomplished and not even the rain was going to stop us!

Doughnut Day the 8th and the new car.
Doughnut Day the 7th on the motorbike.
Doughnut Day the 6th on the motorbike.
Doughnut Day the 5th and we ate doughnuts.
Doughnut Day the 4th and the sea mist.
Doughnut Day the 3rd and the new house but no time for Doughnuts.
Doughnut Day the 2nd and the Engagement Ring and take away Doughnuts.
Doughnut Day the 1st - no photographic evidence!!

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