Last minute Larry

Sorry for SP.  Realised as I was out walking that I hadn't got a blip for today and honestly, around where we live, I am about as interesting as things get!

So, having stayed up to watch Andy Murray's match last night, I was pooped this morning and stayed in bed. (What a match that was - I genuinely thought they were both going to collapse in the end).

I have eaten healthily and managed to survive my first 30 minute HIIT workout.  I say survive.  By the end I was on the floor, unable to cry with the pain as I had sweated all of my tears out during the workout.  Eventually managed to drag myself to the shower and restore some semblance of order to my dishevelled state.  I am determined that I am going to shed the additional stone of weight that I have gained over the last 18 months - probably a combination of effects of my medication, the impact of far too many surgeries and the fact that I have spent a lot of time at home bored out of my tree in recent months.  Time for a change and there's only me that can resolve my issues with my weight and body image.  

Tomorrow is, fingers crossed, brace removal day for James.  I hope so.

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