The rest of forever...

By DrMac

Early Morning Meanderings

A broken night of sleep...but for a very good reason. Paul set the alarm and woke me at 1.30am to watch the Heptathlon 800m. We watched all the rounds and then finally saw Jess take gold...she was utterly awesome, what a truly deserved victory. I would have loved to be there!

Getting back off to sleep again wasn't so easy...the street dogs had set up a choir and were giving a roaring rendition of something tuneless. Anyway, after filling my brain with random, useless thoughts I managed to nod off...until the 6.15am alarm! We had a speedy breakfast and then set off on a six mile hike through the valley. This was one of our views...just beautiful. We walked through the valley, passing homes, fields and numerous animals. Lots of cute babies...especially the little goat 'kids'! It was extremely hot, even for such early hours of the morning. I have some nice tan lines and we were only out in the sun until 9.15am!

After a little sneaky breakfast number two of eggs and crackers, Paul headed in to school. I worked on random stuff and after lunch together he returned once more to school and I finished Assignment Three - bingo! I headed to the gym and came home to meet him. Dinner, a beer and the tennis is on. Come on Murray, kick Federer's ass!!!!! We want GOLD!

Oh...planning on getting up at 2.35am to watch the 100m final...matchsticks ready to keep my peepers open!

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