The rest of forever...

By DrMac

The first sighting...

As I waved Paul off to work at 6.30am he noticed that the mountains, for the first time this summer, were peeping through the clouds. They were only visible for a minute or two so I made the most of the opportunity. I forget to change the white balance...must remember to do so if I get a second chance this holiday!

After my first breakfast I went to the gym. It's nice and quiet at that time, so I had the place pretty much to myself. I came home to enjoy ten minutes in the sun - any longer and I'll fry! - and then had my eggs. Pottered about the streets, bought Paul a new mug as he only has one that isn't chipped or cracked...and picked up a few groceries. Home for a late lunch and then worked on my photography exercises and blog. Slowly getting there. A few emails to and from work and then it was time for gym session two. Did a sprints session on the treadmill, lasted a total of 40 the end I thought my body was about to explode with heat and exhaustion! And an hour later I am still red faced and rather pooped. After blip I'm off to cook dinner and check out the Olympics. We skipped Bolt's race in the early hours as Paul is at school - early mornings are not really conducive to late nights! So tonight will be another early one...please tell me nothing exciting is planned cos I don't really want to miss out!

Met a new little dog today, she crosses her paws just like Lottie does. I bought some new doggy biscuits at the local shop so that I can feed her and my other canine pals. There are so many, it would be so easy to set up a little feeding centre here. In fact, it could be a full-time job!

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