a new year!

By Thesalh70

the morning after the greatest night of sport!

in a lifetime there are so many breathtaking moments, and memories that you carry with you for a long time. last night was one of those moments, and amazing night at the Olympics, Jess Ennis, Greg Rutherford and Mo Farah all winning gold medals in a hour! without doubt the greatest sporting hour i've ever seen! (since i scored a hat-trick in a charity football match last August!).

up early doors 5.45am and had slept solid on the new pillow. gorgeous morning with blue sky too. hardly saw a car on the road as i drove into Nottingham, everyone must've been hungover after the 'best night of sport ever!

wandered out into the city for a coffee and took the opportunity to take some pics. my blip is of Market Street, which is usually full of buses sweeping down towards the square, or trams going to/from the station. now, it's empty, as was Parliament street, and the Old Market Square....you could hear a pin drop!

into work and set up my desk for the day in front of our 50 inch flat screen tele in the conference room! watched the marathon, sailing, and tennis, and was enjoying Murray being 2 sets up against Fed, until the painter trod on some important cable and the tele was no more!

hey ho, managed to watch the rest from the kitchen as i put everything back in it's place after the painting.

as i left town, there was a shocking storm. thunder, lightning and the hardest rain i've seen in ages! driving through rivers of rain on the way home. was too much for Walking Man, who i saw sheltering in a door way near my house!

top tuna steak for tea, after i'd done 10k ride on exercise bike (Day 1 of my training plan! - would've been outside, but not in this weather!)

more olympics tonight...spoke to mum who is now an olympics convert (Thursday she was watching repeats of Heartbeat!). She thinks it's amazing. she' watched Murray today. She knows all about Jess Ennis, and thought Mia Farrow was brilliant last night too......

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