Ullapool Harbour

Had a lovely time at the An Talla Solais Members Exhibition on Friday evening :-)
Such an exciting exhibition with some lovely pieces particularly those by Eleanor's husband Peter, her friend Joanna and not to forget Eleanor herself :-)
Spoke to both Eleanor,Joanna and Ursina, who was Eleanor's technician for my recent course.
Ursina is a ceramicist and had put a couple of pieces in for the silent auction so we made a bid for one of her little ceramic tiles.
Ursina had spend some time on Martinique and had drawn to my attention the work of Wifredo Lam a Cuban artist.
Today we leave Ullapool for our journey home.
Lovely bright morning and the colours down at the harbour were so colourful.
Got time to call into to my friend Jan's shop Ceard to speak to her before we left Ullapool:-)
Such a lovely shop she has, showcasing all the local artistic talent.If you are in Ullapool well worth a visit.
Lovely drive home stopping at Beauly for lunch and we even managed to get a quick glimpse of Wee Flecky's exhibition at Kimelford.
We should have had longer but we were held up by a very slow moving car from Duror to Benderloch.
Our last stop was at Kilmartin museum's cafe before our the last leg of our journey home.
We both had a great week at Ullapool and we couldn't believe how lucky we were with the weather.
My extra shows a detail from a marvellous frieze inside the Cal Mac terminal at Ullapool.Such a jolly piece of art work :-)

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