If you can't beat them...

By Jerra


This afternoon we decided to head over to Blindcrake as they were having an art@blindcrake open studio day.  For a little village it was an impressive event.  We were particularly going to see the work of two photographers Keith Snell and Carrie Calvert.

Before getting to Blindcrake we stopped at the Moota Garden centre as we have only been once before and that day there was torrential rain and we would have needed wellies to see much of the centre (literally as a lot of it was ankle deep),  The patterns in this Sedum caught my eye.

Then we continued to Blindcrake and the effort was very worth while.  Keith was showing landscapes from his trips abroad including Antarctica and Carrie had many superb wildlife shots.

On the way home we took a detour round by Bassenthwaite for more photographic opportunities.

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