
By momcat1

Time for some computer bashing.....

This is the second time in the last week I have downloaded the day's photos to the MAC , had them definitely be on the computer , and have them not be under "photos" when I pull it  up on Blip . I do not understand this. Neither does my ex IBMer husband. As far as quality goes, yesterday's monarch butterfly was a whole lot better than a  3200 ISO shot of a bird wheeling through the sky after bugs so fast I couldn't even get it in the photo most of the time. What I did eventually  get was a silhouette ( it was almost dark) which wasn't even that good of a silhouette it was so grainy. But it was a silhouette of a nighthawk and I got so excited to see them again I was going to post it anyway. They did a flyover a few days ago , but tonight they spent at least 30 minutes wheeling around the sky after bugs. Absolutely amazing acrobatics. There were 5 this time , though 2 of the 5 were swooping over the house . I have heard them a few times : in EPCOT over the globe  and you could see them in the lights , and heard them in JC years ago  when I was coming out of the ER at night. I think there was a pair that lived on the Methodist church's roof. But I have only seen them once over our yard and that was 20 years ago when a whole flock went by on their way south. So this was a real treat. 
However , I have to post a lovely monarch butterfly sipping on some buddliea blossoms. She also enjoyed the mallows , blessedly free of Japanese beetles at the moment.

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