If only!

Any passerby who saw me standing in the middle of the road on a housing estate in the village today probably thought I was bonkers.
It was the sun on the tress providing different hues and shades of green from the leaves which attracted my attention, but as I moved closer I was aware of something moving at the base of the trees.
Sure enough, I had frightened a young deer which was sheltering or hiding under the trees. Unfortunately I was too far away to capture a picture of the deer, which by then was doing its best to hide from me and dashed into a nearby front garden.
A visitor to one of the houses near where I was standing told me that deer were to be seen quite frequently in that road, and they were not backward at destroying plants in the gardens, showing me a half eaten rose shrub.
Unfortunately I couldn’t capture the deer in my Blip using an iPhone.  But then it was really the effect of the early evening sunlight on the trees which had attracted my attention in the first place.

Job done. Successfully.  But if only I had a camera with a zoom lens with me.

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