Come into the Garden

By aprecious

The sky didn't fall in...

"Death is the sound of distant thunder at a picnic."
W. H. Auden

This game is called 'kill the jelly baby.' aprecious says 'kill the jelly baby' in a Dalek voice over and over and then I get over-excited and jump on her head! Then I jump off and pull the innards out of the jelly baby! It's a good game! I play it every day. I like it a lot!

Yesterday, I was just about to play 'kill the jelly baby' when a great noise came from the sky! I thought the actual sky was actually going to fall in on my actual head! So I hid under the rocking chair just to be on the safe side and stopped killing the jelly baby just in case. I think the sky must have fallen somewhere else instead!

I tried to play 'kill the jelly baby' again this morning and no noise came. I'm not certain I'm in the clear but if the sky fell on you head yesterday I think it was my fault and I'm very sorry! It's aprecious - she encourages me!

I might not play that game again!

It's absolutely pelting/siling down today. Work calls. For the first time in years I took two days off on a weekend. The sky didn't fall in.

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