Life In Wales

By KarenC


On a spur of the moment decision, Alan and I have booked a night in Portsmouth for tomorrow - it's free due to Alan's points from travelling. So I contact Elaine to see if there was any chance she could have the boys overnight as she lives near Chichester which is on the way.

She said she could, but is out in the day tomorrow so suggested I take them today. It was a bit of a journey and the traffic was bad, but it was worth it to have our little trip. And on the way home on Saturday we'll be passing, so it's easy to pick them up.

While I was there I got to see her latest litter of pups who have the same mum and dad as our boys. They're 5 weeks old and totally adorable - two little boys are still available if anyone is interested. I just love how this one looks like he's waving! He was very playful and kept trying to tap my phone with his paw.

Anyway, after spending most of the day in the car, we had a lovely evening with Sue & Adrian who are currently staying in Brighton in their caravan, so we invited them round for dinner.

The weather was perfect and we were able to eat outside, then moved into the 'palace' when it got cooler.

Anyway, I need to pack and we have an early start, so I'll catch up with you tomorrow.

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