Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Nearly Over

Elizabeth, one of Archie's favourite borrowers, has been away on holiday and didn't come last Saturday, so when she appeared today he went crazy. Mind you, he always does.

We took advantage of his absence and went into town. I have only been in town a couple of times this Festival, crowded pavements and sore knees not being good companions. Actually, a walking stick is quite good - people are more careful around you.

We took the bus and popped into a new cafe we'd spotted on blip. Good flat whites and long blacks - most unusual - especially the latter. Excellent sandwich too. And - it's dog friendly!

We braved the crowds to walk to the Mile - what a madhouse. But it's great to see everyone enjoying themselves. This woman was just moving around slightly, holding a toy dog, with another (toy) dog on the road in front of her. No idea what it was all about, but I generously gave her 50p for a photo.

By this time I had had enough of the crowds festivities and headed back home, but JR continued on down the Mile and thence into town. I have been lying on the sofa doing my stretching exercises, and have started my new Bill Bryson book on my Kindle.

Exciting news re a wee holiday! We had vaguely been thinking of going to a dog friendly B&B for a few days for an in-between-knee-operations break. Plan B. It's all booked, but it's not a doggie holiday, so we'll have to break it to Archie and see what we can arrange for him...

I have lost a slipper. I have been accusing Archie of hiding it, but he's pretending he knows nothing about it...

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