Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

At the table

We had another lovely time sitting around and chewing the fat (after a very laid back start). I could do this all day. There is nothing, bar nothing, that makes me happier than sitting around drinking coffee with the people I love. 

The Girl Racer decided to do curry big time. We shopped at Atif's, our incredible local store that has been run by the same Muslim family for the last thirty years. They have every ingredient you can imagine (and some you can't). They literally have a whole wall of chutneys and pickles. Oh and they sell pickled turnip which is very hard to get in these parts.

I was her sous chef in the afternoon. She cooked coconut rice with cashews, cauliflower korma, chana dhal, and mango salsa. TSM made her famous spicy fish balls. It was absolutely brilliant. And filling. But there is more apple cake still to eat.

Good job I managed to squeeze the gym in this afternoon...

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