
You've worked extremely hard in your piano lesson even though you only got home from London at 5am.... Her teacher was delighted with her & took her into the garden to pick her some fresh sweet peas to take home.

Katie didn't get out of bed until gone 9 am so we had to get straight on for church. It was the celebration of the holiday club which was a lot of fun. She was particularly excited as she got to demonstrate the racing piggies in the service. We were meant to have a picnic aftewards but the rain meant it was an inside lunch as a fellowship, still nice of course. Granny and grandad had decided to join us for church and lunch so they took Katie home and we had a cup of tea before our music lessons.

B was very pleased to hear about our proms adventures, our friend we were seeing is her daughter. Katie worked very hard. I had my lesson too before we came home. My tiredness hit me rather then and after making her an early tea, I fell asleep on the sofa as she watched Annie. She's not a big fan of me napping and will call to me every few minutes to stir me!

I put her to bed fairly promptly, but only after she'd done the music theory she insisted she wanted to do before tomorrow's piano lesson. We read the book that she'd chosen at the National Gallery- based on the work of Van Gogh. She'd seen all but two of the featured paintings yesterday at the gallery. I was impressed that without prompting she recognised his self portrait. She wanted huggies to sleep tonight. "'Mama stay.... Huggies" she says. I obliged, particularly as she'd decided yesterday to take a bath with monkey and he still wasn't dry tonight.

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