Coffee Time

I was quite busy today down at Penrith. There were doctors' appointments, picking out a new study chair, purchasing new shoes, lunch AND coffee.

Now I don't know about YOU, but so far as I am concerned, life is waaaay too short for crook coffee. Time spent drinking weak, tasteless, wishy washy brew is time I shall never ever get back. When they pull me up at the pearly gates I just KNOW that there'll be a sober accounting.

I can hear the BOOMING voice of doom already. "... hours spent working, 2,675 hours spent taking pictures and 14,783 hours DRINKING awful coffee. AREN'T YOU ASHAMED OF YOURSELF? Why, just for that we are a good mind to send you down to the .... er ... other place ... where for your sins you'll be forced to consume Starbucks' diabolical beverage until JUDGEMENT DAY!!!!"

ARGH!! At that point I always awaken, bolt upright in a cold sweat. The idea of such cruel and unusual punishment is almost more than I can bear. Anyway today's effort, in the form of excellent soy milk cappucinos, was my attempt at "the straight and narrow".

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