Glimpses of Blackheath 10

Last time we were here, admiring Jenny Kee's mural on the Victory Theatre. Well it's getting a little late and (given the time of year) we may have to be heading back to Sydney by public transport.

All right then ... walk forward to Govett's Leap Road at the front of the building. Turn left and walk forward, past the Ivanhoe Hotel until you reach the intersection of Govetts Leap Rd and the Great Western Highway. Turn north, cross Govetts Leap Rd and continue on past the Piedmont Inn where we ordered pizza, that time. Eventually we will come to a pedestrian crossing which we use to cross the highway. We are now in front of the entrance to Blackheath Railway Station. There's this rusting padlock on the fence to your right but never mind that now.

Mount the stairs to the overhead pedestrian bridge and look down upon the platform that you see above. The railway line closest to us carries trains to Sydney (coming toward our position). Trains on the other side of the platform go to Lithgow.

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