Lone swan
Actually, it had a pal nearby - or a mate, perhaps: I'm no expert in swans - but I loved the peaceful vision of the single bird bobbing on the vigorous swell at the end of Dunoon's West Bay this morning, when the peace of the off-season, the post-Games season, had descended on the town and because of the time we were walking most other people were off having their lunch. It looked and felt like the kind of place one might go for a holiday ...
I'm being extravagant and adding two additional photos for today. One is of Holy Trinity church from the south, and the other is of two roses (Josephine Bruce, if you're interested) from the second flush of this old bush; one is drooping and on the point of shedding its petals, the other at the perfection of its generation - not as large as the one six weeks ago, but beautiful nonetheless. The nasturtiums that clash gently behind the rose are neglected self-seeders from last year's planting; I've been a tad neglectful of the garden this summer.
I blame the builders ...
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