Dance day!!

I try not to flood Katie's blip with dance photos but today has literally been Dance Day so it's a bit tricky! She woke early and did some great clarinet practise- very late last night her wobbly tooth finally gave in and came out, to her great joy. It's been painful to play the last week or two and by yesterday she didn't really want to because of it. So she was thrilled that today all was well!

She'd put her outfit on about 645 and was twirlying around until it was time to go. They've had a great day, doing modern this morning with a guest teacher and musical theatre this afternoon (the Lion King, Katie was sooo excited!). Happy girl to be dancing away again. Term starts Monday. Back to school bringing dance class is good. Back to school bringing school, that I can do without!

She's gone for a sleepover with her friend as I am working tomorrow so it means I can go in early and finish early & she can go to summer school. I'm going to gut her bedroom in her absence!

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