Change is in the Air

Well for a start it was 18C and shirt sleeves. I would have liked to roll up my curls but there seems to be a technical issue and The Boss said I would have to wait for the hair stylist in a few weeks.

This is Mt Burke and it was sleeves down when we got to this spot as it was doing the “wind” thing and if you had been up on Treble Cone Cone Cone ski field you would not have been having a fun day.
The Boss should have NEVER washed NuSuzz. 
Oh Dear Oh Dear Oh Dear.
I however was having as fun day and ran myself completely ragged and sat in Suzz (Nu) panting while The Boss ( another bad thing) took his boots in for repair which means that he is not looking to put then on Sno Shoos any time soon.

Oh and we met a lovely lady from Montreal in Canada and The Boss said “Bonjour, Hi”  and she thought that was lovely and thought I was lovely too and shook hands with both of us right after he had explained what “Tussock” was….besides ME. 

Pawscript…. That is how many folk in Montreal greet a stranger and if you answer “Bonjour” you better know more than one word in French but if you answer “Hi” all will be well in English. 


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