Judy Murray- (Not Quite ) -Strictly

Judy Murray's supporters have been noticeable by their absence .

I have yet to meet one at this weeks'  Park of Keir Public inquiry into her dream to buld a tennis legacy to Jamie and Andy Murray on our Greenbelt.

No matter. The television cameras will be on her tomorrow morning whens she arrives to give evidence. ( We have just heard they rang the hotel to ask for permission for their cameras to be there).

As for today it was the turn of Judy Murray's economics expert to explain their business plan. The  guy was grilled by two Advocates all day and revealed some surprising claims, optimistic to say the least.
For example the Colin Montgomerie six hole golf course with the unique feature of bigger holes ( to make it easier for beginners) would need more people playing it than at the world famous Old Course at St Andrews to make it financially viable!

Meanwhile the traditional media- the Times, Daily Mail, Daily Record- rather jumped the gun by carrying a story that Judy Murray had given evidence to the Public Inquiry. She hadn't.  But the story was splashed across their pages.

I know what happened.  They had a tight deadline to meet and at 4.30 yesterday Judy Murray actually sat in the witness box, or rather table, to give evidence when the Reporter decided that there was not sufficient time to hear all her evidence and for her to be cross examined too.

That treat awaits us tomorrow. 

I am beginning to feel sorry for her because it looks as if she has been heavily manipulated by some unscrulpous developers who played on her maternail instincts.

Oh yes, all this is played out live on the internet.
This is the link

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