Heavenly Place!

Sister and I went to Saltram House in Plymouth, a Tudor house but renovated twice to the Georgian style. It's a place I used to take my class for a walk, a drink and cake and feeding of the ducks - but I had never been round the house and was recently told by someone it was gorgeous - and so it blooming was! The strange thing is as a child i liked looking at the kitchens and then would be itching to get into the garden - now I derive as much pleasure from the interior of any house. 
Well what an interior it was - simply divinely decorated and furnished by Robert Adams- I asked questions in every room we went! The first room was originally a music room - hence the ceiling detail.The second extra  is a scagliola top of an 18th century gilded table It is decorated with trompe l'oeil playing cards, counters and a letter dated 2 May 1713 signed by John Pollexfen Junior. I have never seen anything like it before - amazing! It was like this throughout the house - I could go on and on! But look here for the Chinese bedrooms and the copper pans in the kitchen, the chandeliers and skylight........!!!
By the time we were at the last few rooms sister needed feeding so we whipped through them, but I still managed to find chickens and photograph them in the last room! We headed for the Chapel that was now the Tearoom - and found a guy up a platform trimming the Yew! As we had our sandwiches the bride and groom I had photographed through the windows of the upstair rooms came by - oh my was she ever hobbling in her shoes! She and her bridesmaids were dressed in 50's knee length dresses and looked so pretty!  
After lunch we strolled down the Melancholy Walk, lots of big stone urns along the way, and came to the Folly - oh so pretty and with a dark room below sister was spooked by and wouldn't go in! I loved it and the last extra is the tunnel leading out! 
Finally we walked down the Lime Avenue with so many cyclamen blooming under the trees. I have still to process the photos of these! We had another cup of tea and cake and watched some people in period dress walk by! We then made our way back to the car through the shop - I found a Grevillea which I have admired from the New Zealand blippers, notably Treehugger, so I had to buy it! Also a cup of grain for the ducks whose pond had a cobbled slipway as the carriages of owners past were washed in it! 
I simply couldn't choose  my blip so as the Folly interior was sisters favourite I have blipped it! I too like a good folly so was happy to go with her choice! 

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