
When sister was in Tavistock yesterday she saw there was a Quilting Exhibition on in the Town Hall, so guess where we went today! There were some really fabulous quilts hanging up on display and oh my the hours they must have taken to make! The Show was put on by The Goosey Quilters and they are making a quilt to mark their 30th birthday which was on show at it's putting together stage! There was a big display of quilts from Around the World, made from fabric the quilting ladies had bought on their holidays or to in memory of the holiday. I even found a quilt with chickens on it!!There were stalls round the edges of the hall and both sister and I were tempted - I bought mini fat Squares  and some wooden chickens to use in the chicken boxes I intend to make! Sister bought more Fat Squares  just because she liked the patterns! 
As you will have noticed my blip is not a quilt but a crocheted throw! But it was just so striking! Once home sister found it On Etsy and the  pattern  you can download - so I intend to make it! I did make a crocheted throw many, many years ago so am hoping I will remember how to do it! 
My extra is the nicest doll I have ever seen which was in the market - at £38 I decided against buying it and satisfied myself with just a photo!

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