Do bees have teeth ?

This one certainly seems to have a couple of fangs as it tears into the lavender.

A brilliant day in London yesterday. My brief visit to the British Museum, followed by an excellent meal in a new Indian restaurant near to Charing  Cross  (Lotus - good value pre-theatre offer), and then the sparkling final dress rehearsal of "The Barber of Seville" at Covent Garden.

I was back in my lovely hotel in time to watch the wonderful Juan Diego Florez singing "Rule Britannia", dressed as the final King of the Incas !

Today's been quite full of fireworks too - just watched  my team draw with Aston Villa.  We have the most amazing talented scorers at Forest but nobody seems to have much idea about defence. (promising newly signed Serbian goalie, but they said he was hopeless last time he was in the UK). Our "full back/winger" Hildeberto Pereira is learning his trade the hard way. Dribbling in the style of Georgie Best and passing to our captain to put the ball in the back of the net was spectacular.  But then he over-celebrated (not knowing the rules ? ?) and got himself a second yellow card.  This could be quite a season.

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