
Last night was Heather's 60th birthday bash at her' & Mark's home in Stoke Mandeville. Heather is Richard's Step Mother. 

We were there at 7 pm along with around 80 others. Mark had laid on Mexican food, drink & coffee, plus some flamenco guitarists to start & then a George Michael tribute act in the dance marquee - then a disco to finish. I took about 400 shots of which 150 have been binned. The rest will go on a disc as an extra gift for Heather.. Home by midnight.

The extras are the Sweet Tree that C made prior to being wrapped & a shot of Birthday girl herself . Some of the shots were quite challenging with lots of multi-coloured lights plus wood smoke from the fire pits scattered around the place...

C has been doing some gardening whilst I have been editing ...

Hope your weekend has been fab..

Next event on the calendar is a Wedding Reception next Friday night & then Saturday morning we are away ...yippee

Fine day today but there is a nip in the air


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