And the holidays begin ...

It was the last day of term today and school closed early. I had to print the newsletters and distribute them to the children before they went home, help diffuse a crisis with our neurotic grade 7 parents, print a last minute Pre Primary report, arrange couriers to send the ICT portfolios to Cambridge, eat pancakes lovingly offered to the staff by a new teacher, clean-up my desk, say goodbyes and then sigh a big sigh of relief as the last car left the school parking.

Getting home early feels great, especially when I know I have a long holiday ahead! The weather today was really grey and cold but I am sure it will soon clear-up.

Met with our estate agent to talk about houses that are for sale around the estate. We are so confused about what to do and which one to buy. At the moment we love the double story, No. 15 PD but there is a lot of work to be done on it. We still have the option of No. 97 WD but the occupation is only later in the year and it needs one more bedroom. We have ruled out 96 JN as we won't make money on it, we can't add on to it and there is not enough space for a pool! We hate renting!!! I hope by December we will finally be settled and have our own home. It is driving me CRAZY!

After supper I made hot chocolate with a treat of marshmallows and snuggled up in front of the TV to watch my favourite programme - So You Think You Can Dance!

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