
By mike191435

The Normandy Hotel, Deauville

This is a second attempt at my blip for Tuesday 13th September. For some reason, it was published as Sunday 11th September in error! So in case you haven't read it yet, here it goes again............

My blip for today is of the famous hotel in Deauville, where a considerable number of well known Hollywood stars have deposited their bags, (and continue to do so!) whilst attending the American Film Festival just opposite. The town has appeared in many popular films of the past, including "A man and a woman" in 1966, and is home to a large number of tourists at all times of the year, mostly those who live in Paris and it's suburbs, who come here most weekends for their weekly break. Well it is that much nearer than Cannes, and in some ways, just as pretty! My extras show one of the well known sites along the beach in Deauville, and no doubt equally well known to all those sited on the beach hut entrances. There is also an extra of the wonderful beach of Cabourg, (with no bathers would you believe?) , and an extra of the famous "magnifiques falaises de craie blanche à silex" (80-90 metres high)  and "le grande arche naturelle" . The weather has been truly magnificent today, although it was more comfortable to be sitting inside the car than outside! During our travels today, we passed a number of interesting sites, including the now famous "Port de Normandie" which I wanted so much to photograph, but as so often, when you find an extra good blip, there is nowhere to park the car! We also visited Honfleur where we were intending to board a boat for a 1.5hour cruise along the coast, but due to the number of tourists who were also interested, and for the reason that the majority of the seats were inside and covered with a plastic canvas, perhaps too hot at this time of the year (!), we decided to give it a miss. I hope that your day has been as enjoyable as ours, (and I know that for those of you in England, at least the weather has been! ). Now it's time to take the road back home and I thank you as always for your continued following which I really appreciate. Take care of yourselves.

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