I like a Bit of Bubbly!

I had to pull another sicky today so after a little bit of food shopping (because we had completely run out of milk) and a late breakfast in Starbucks (because we had completely run out of milk), I made some soup then had a nice, long, hot, bubbly bath. Whilst I realise you are suppose to ice up a bad back, I thought Id try the opposite because I'm a rebel and it has actually helped a little bit.

So here you have my flipflop feet, badly painted toenails and almost a whole bottle of muscle relaxant Bubble Bath!

Thank you all for your kind comments on yesterdays Blip. Mr W asked me today how long "that empty feeling" lasted for? A hard one to answer because we all deal with grief in different ways. He's ever so grumpy and had to abandon the queues in Aldi due to his mood but Iv chucked him out the door to go and play Squash this evening, hoping that might help. Love him. xXx

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