Heat it up Baby!

Guess who finally got to drive the new car???!!!!! Only 5 weeks after getting it!!! And a bit nerve racking with your Advanced Driving Assessor Husband next to you who owns the thing!!

Went to see my lovely Sports Injury Therapist friend today who gave me some treatment on my back. She's seen me before so knows the ongoing issues I have but was horrified at the damage Iv done this time!! I had some ultrasound treatment and gentle massage. The muscles around the tender part in my lower back are still rock solid and she mentioned osteoporosis or a stress fracture from the running I did ( I knew excersise was bad for you!!!). She has urged me to get an MRI scan done or the very least an Xray so she knows what she's dealing with so I shall be back onto the GP first thing Monday morning. It's times like this I wish we had Private Medical Insurance!!

Anyway, off we popped to Tesco for Heat wraps for me and Trifle, meat and chocolates for him!! Crap picture but that's all I can manage for today!!

Thank goodness the weather has changed as I'm all snug and warm laying here on the sofa...I might progress to the floor in a minute!!


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