New Sunnies!

I saw an old friend from school wearing similar Sunnies on Facebook recently and told her I had to have her glasses. She immediately sent me the link and 3 days they are! I might well be wearing them all winter!

I had to work this afternoon which was ok as I was walking about in the fresh air with my heat pack on rather than having to sit down (and I was bought an ice cream!). 

Mr W then rang me to say he played squash this morning and it gave him chest pain. He admitted it might be psychosomatic after just loosing is best friend to a Heart attack, and it didn't help that he told me on is way back to the squash club to play another game but I told him if it was his heart (again as he already has a stent in!!!) then at least he would die happy!!! 

But I have peeled enough potatoes for 2 for dinner tonight so he will be fine!!!!

Right pair we are!!


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