Red Admiral Anyone?

I had a delightful day at Cotehele with tedwin and redilady who are caravaning down here at the moment. We met at the quay and had tea and cake, then up to the garden. Tedwin didn't think there would be dragonflies on the pond and I told him this was Cornwall and there would be - guess who was right! They were positively zooming round the pond! They kept doing a low and fast fly by along the edge of the pond right in front of us! Next stop was the orchard and for what I hoped would be butterflies on the buddleia. I had brought my tripod as I had not done a butterfly blip this year. Well as soon as we turned into the orchard and what should we see - a veritable host of Red Admirals! they were sat on apples, on tree trunks, on the ground, fluttering here and there! No other type of butterfly and none on the buddleia! We were all completely astonished and gobstruck! I didn't need the tripod for after feasting on the apples on the ground they sat motionless - feeling the kick of the apple juice obviously and too incapacitated to fly! At one point tedwin said I'm bored with red admirals, can we have a different type! We visited the beehives and the medlar tree, but no butterflies, Redilady thought it was the sheltered spot that meant they had all congregated in the one area. After this we had a look at the Apple Press which will be put to use next weekend, then we went through the house. Tedwin and redilady spotted a huge wash basin in the kitchen that was heated by a fire - they both remembered having smaller versions in their childhood homes! I spotted a chicken on a tapestry!   Finally we returned to the quay for sustenance - Clotted Cream Tea all round with lemon and orange curd! The most delightful cat visited us and I gave it some clotted cream! What a fine day! Butterflies, apples, cats and the delightful couple are here.
I was meant to visit Vegan Jo who has done her back in, but her  family were  back so I will see her the next day. I had time to get up to the chickens where it started to rain, and then I picked up Colourful Mai and Friend and off we went to Compassionate Girl's place for her belated birthday get together. All I wanted to do was curl up in the warm - but as designated driver I had to go. I left my camera behind as she had told me once very publicly and quite rudely, that she didn't appreciate her photograph being taken - fair enough but there are ways of telling someone this! Plus she has always posed quite readily before. On the way I spotted the moon, and was told it was a full moon - Ha! not yesterday as I had thought! But it was cloudy so no worries!
We sat inside for a while with all the usual people, then headed out to sit round their huge fire pit in their field. Well, there was a few clouds, a ruined chimney stack rising from the black silhouette of the trees and that damn full moon! So Edgar Allen Poe!!! Colourful Mai and Friend had great fun teasing me and I was so mad! Nearly went in for my phone to capture it, but knew I would be disappointed, so I turned my back on it instead! Never mind - it had to be a Red Admiral butterfly bliptoday anyway! 

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